Blank for decoration "Bunny" #246

Blank for decoration "Bunny" #246
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Blank for decoration "Bunny" #246Blank for decoration "Bunny" #246 - 0
Заготовка для декорирования "Зайчик" #246
Blank for decoration "Bunny" #246Blank for decoration "Bunny" #246 - 0
Item No: FDPO-246
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Blank for decoration "Bunny" #246 for creating an Easter composition or decoration.  More

Blank for decoration "Bunny" #246 for creating an Easter composition or decoration.

Looking for a fun and creative way to decorate your home for Easter? Take a look at this decorative Easter composition! Made from MDF, a strong and dense wood material, 3mm thick, this composition is easy to assemble and further decorate. It can be decorated in a variety of ways, so you can make it truly personalized.

Whether you are a fan of traditional Easter color combinations or prefer a more modern look, our arrangement is perfect for any style. You can paint it in your favorite shades or try your hand at the art of decoupage to create a one-of-a-kind piece that is sure to impress.

With our simple tutorials and helpful tips from the blog, even beginners can create a beautiful Easter decoration that will be the envy of all their friends and family. So why wait? Order this decorative Easter composition right now and bring your creative ideas to life!


Does not contain toxic substances.

Keep out of reach of children.

Manufacturer: tm "Fabrika Decoru", Ukraine.

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