Mix box Hexagon, 26х30sm

Mix box Hexagon, 26х30sm
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Mix box Hexagon, 26х30smMix box Hexagon, 26х30sm - 0Mix box Hexagon, 26х30sm - 1
Микс бокс Шестигранник, 26х30см
Mix box Hexagon, 26х30smMix box Hexagon, 26х30sm - 0Mix box Hexagon, 26х30sm - 1
Item No: FDMBX-011
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Mix box Hexagon, 26х30sm is a great two-in-one creative blank: a handy organizer for small accessories and at the same time a beautiful base for photographing small items and decorative elements for promotional purposes or for demonstration on Instagram and other social networks.  More

Mix box Hexagon, 26х30sm is blank for creativity, made from a specially treated 3mm thick MDF.

It has a wide variety of functions as it can be used to organize the working area and put in order small details or pieces of decoration, used in the process of creative work e.g.: sequins, beads, rhinestones, details cut from cardboard or paper, buttons and other decorative elements. Mix box is also just perfect for subject photography of the above-listed items, e.g. for advertising purposes or for a demonstration on Instagram and other social networks/media. Moreover, a decorated or painted Mix box can be used as a decorative tray for small cakes, sweets, or seasonings at home or for some celebrations and holidays. It is very easy to paint the Mix box because the blank material does not require preliminary priming. To decorate your Mix box you can use Deco-acrylic, decoupage cards, scrapbooking paper from numerous items presented by Fabrika Decoru. For example, you can use texture pastes or rustic paints to create a volume or “grunge” texture. You can use velour shabby or chameleon paints to create a vintage surface or to get a magical shimmer effect. There are many other materials, presented by Fabrika Decoru, will help you to create a unique object of art that will perfectly fit into your interior.


  • MDF material 3 mm thick;
  • Dimensions: 26cmх30cm;
  • Does not contain toxic substances;
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Produced by "Fabrika Decoru", Ukraine.

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