Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029

Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029

Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029
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Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029 - 0Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029 - 1
Маска 15x20см Шестеренки #029
Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029 - 0Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029 - 1
Item No: FDTR 029
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Multipurpose stencil size of 5.9'' x 7.9'', reusable.  Made from transparent, non-toxic plastic, thickness 190mkm. Suitable for working with paints, sprays, texture pastes, various coatings on different surfaces.  More

Stencil for crafts 15x20cm "Gears" #029 is the universal reusable template. It is used in various types of arts and crafts. Used in a variety of arts and crafts for drawing, making patterns, inscriptions or graphic elements on walls or objects.

Made of semitransparent, non-toxic plastic 190μm thick. Suitable for working with paints, sprays, structural pastes, putty, glass icing agents on various surfaces: wood, glass, ceramics, paper, cardboard and others. Can be used many times. To fix the stencil on volume surfaces, we recommend using a special stencil glue that does not leave marks.


  • After use, gently wipe the stencil with a damp cloth;
  • To dry the stencil, place it on a dry cloth or absorbent paper.

  • Made in Ukraine, "Fabrika Decoru".
    FDTR 029
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